
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Löhne

Swimming Pools in Löhne

Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Löhne
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 10a, 32584 Löhne
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 12pm

36 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Lohne
An der Kirchenziegelei, 49393 Lohne
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 1pm

27 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Waldbad Lohne
Am Waldbad, 49393 Lohne

25 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 5m Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Löhne
Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 10a, 32584 Löhne

52 votes
Sprungturm 5m

Swimming Pools nearby

Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Rahden
Am Freibad, 32369 Rahden

6 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Rahden
Am Freibad, 32369 Rahden
closed today

7 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Freizeitbad Dümmer
Im Dorfe, 49448 Hüde

41 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Wald-Freibad Espelkamp
Trakehner Str., 32339 Espelkamp

4 votes
Water Park ATOLL
Trakehner Str., 32339 Espelkamp
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 10pm

69 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Bohmte
Jahnstraße, 49163 Bohmte

12 votes