Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Löhne

52 Votes


Freibad LöhneAlbert-Schweitzer-Str. 10a, 32584 Löhne
Telephone: +49 5732 9045-55 bzw. -54
This pool also has a separate Indoor Swimming Pool. Information about settings and opening hours of this Indoor Swimming Pool can be found here.

Opening Hours

Monday6am to 9am
12pm to 8pm
Tuesday6am to 8pm
Wednesday6am to 8pm
Thursday6am to 8pm
Friday6am to 8pm
Saturday7am to 7pm
Sunday7am to 7pm
Outdoor swimming pools in Germany are usually open between Mai and September. Please call +49 5732 9045-55 bzw. -54 to get information on first and last day of the season or look on this German webpage.


The following features are available:
  • a 5m diving platform
  • a water slide
  • beach volleyball
  • starting blocks
  • a parent child area with an animal slide and a squirting figure