
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Weyhe

Outdoor Swimming Pools and Indoor Swimming Pools in

Indoor Swimming Pool Lehrschwimmhalle Weyhe
Am Neddernfeld 80, Kirchweyhe, 28844 Weyhe
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 12pm

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Weyhe
Am Neddernfeld 80, Kirchweyhe, 28844 Weyhe

Closed until mid of April

30 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 5m

Swimming Pools nearby

Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Barrien
Glockenstr., 28857 Syke
closed today

41 votes
16,7m Bahn
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Syke
Herrlichkeit 63a, 28857 Syke

9 votes
33,3m Bahn
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Syke
Am Lindhof, 28857 Syke
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 11:45am

63 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 5m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Stadionbad Bremen
Franz-Böhmert-Str., 28205 Bremen

30 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 10m Rutsche
Indoor Swimming Pool Schlossparkbad (Schlossi) Bremen
Schlossparkstr., 28209 Bremen
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 4pm

51 votes
25m Bahn
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Schlossparkbad
Schlossparkstr., 28209 Bremen

20 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche
Training Swimming Pool Aquafit
Sankt-Jürgen-Str., 28205 Bremen

7 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Südbad Bremen
Neustadtswall, 28199 Bremen
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 9pm

122 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna