
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Weißenstadt

Thermal Springs in

Thermal Spring SIEBENQUELL
Thermenallee, 95163 Weißenstadt
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 10pm

0 no votes

Swimming Pools nearby

Natural Swimming Pool Waldbad Kirchenlamitz
Hasenmühle 2/Fuchsmühlenweg, 95158 Kirchenlamitz

Closed until mid of May

2 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Bischofsgrün
Göhren, 95493 Bischofsgrün

2 votes
Sprungturm 5m
Natural Swimming Pool Waldbad Schiedateich
Grüner Weg, 95126 Schwarzenbach a.d. Saale

7 votes
Sprungturm 3m
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Schwarzenbach a.d. Saale
Breslauerstr. 9, Jean-Paul-Grundschule, 95126 Schwarzenbach a.d. Saale
closed today

0 no votes
Natural Swimming Pool Naturbad Goldbergsee
Am Goldbergsee, 95509 Marktschorgast
relevant opening hours today:
9:30am to 7pm

0 no votes
Swimming Lake Kösseinebad
Rodenzenreuther Str., 95679 Waldershof

0 no votes
Natural Swimming Pool Natur-Freibad Marktredwitz
Schwimmbadweg 1, An den Drei Bögen, 95615 Marktredwitz
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 7:30pm

17 votes
Sprungturm 10m
Adolf-Haack-Str., 95233 Helmbrechts
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 6pm (Wellenbetrieb)

54 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Rehau
Birkenstr., 95111 Rehau

7 votes
Sprungturm 5m