
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Rhede

Indoor Swimming Pools and Outdoor Swimming Pools in

Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Rhede
Heideweg, 46414 Rhede
already closed today

23 votes
25m Bahn
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Rhede
Heideweg, 46414 Rhede

29 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 5m

Swimming Pools nearby

Training Swimming Pool Fildekenbad
Rheinstraße, 46395 Bocholt

0 no votes
25m Bahn
Water Park Bahia Bocholt
Hemdener Weg, 46399 Bocholt
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 9pm

59 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Dingden
Krechtinger Straße, 46499 Hamminkeln

14 votes
Parkstr., 46325 Borken (Westfalen)
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 7pm

82 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Hamminkeln
Diersfordter Str., 46499 Hamminkeln
already closed today

17 votes
25m Bahn
Indoor Swimming Pool Schwimmhalle Weseke
Im Thomas, 46325 Borken (Westfalen)
closed today

22 votes
Swimming Lake Auesee
Auedamm, 46487 Wesel

55 votes
Water Park HeubergBad
Gantesweilerstr., 46483 Wesel
already closed today

24 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna