
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in Neustadt a. Rbge.

Outdoor Swimming Pools

Freibad Nöpke
Am Heisterholz, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

15 votes
33,3m Bahn
Waldbad Wulfelade
Wulfelader Str., 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

3 votes

Water Parks

Leinstr., 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.
relevant opening hours today:
7am to 9pm

1 vote
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna

Natural Swimming Pools

Metelerstr. 23, Metel, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 8pm

16 votes
Seegraben, Mandelsloh, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.
relevant opening hours today:
2pm to 8pm
11am to 8pm (Ferien)

1 vote
Naturbadesee Balneon
Leinstr., 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

Closed until end of March

0 no votes

Training Swimming Pools

Therapiezentrum Oswald
Buchenweg, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

12 votes

Swimming Lakes

Bordenauer See
Bordenauer Straße, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

13 votes
Badestrand Weiße Düne Mardorf
Strandweg, 31535 Neustadt a. Rbge.

15 votes