
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Lychen

Natural Swimming Pools in

Natural Swimming Pool Strandbad Lychensee
Am Strandbad, 17279 Lychen
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 9pm (Juli/August)
10am to 8pm

4 votes

Swimming Pools nearby

Thermal Spring NaturThermeTemplin
Dargersdorfer Straße, 17268 Templin
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 9pm

15 votes
Rutsche Sauna
Natural Swimming Pool Badeanstalt Glambecker See
Adolf-Friedrich-Str., 17235 Neustrelitz
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 8pm (1.7.-31.8.)
1pm to 7pm

4 votes
Water Park Erlebnis-Wasserwelt Kaskaden
Im Wolfsbruch 3, Kleinzerlang, 16831 Rheinsberg
relevant opening hours today:
7am to 10pm

28 votes
Swimming Lake Augustabad
Lindenstr., 17033 Neubrandenburg

19 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Schwimmhalle Neubrandenburg
Neustrelitzer Str. 5c, 17033 Neubrandenburg
relevant opening hours today:
8pm to 10:30pm (Damen)
5:30am to 7am

38 votes
25m Bahn
Swimming Lake Strandbad Broda Tollensesee
Seestraße, 17033 Neubrandenburg

6 votes
Natural Swimming Pool Wasserski-Seilbahn Neubrandenburg
Reitbahnweg, 17034 Neubrandenburg

0 no votes
Natural Swimming Pool Strandbad Hafendorf Müritz
Hafendorf Müritz, 17248 Rechlin

1 vote
Thermal Spring FontaneTherme
An der Seepromenade, 16816 Neuruppin
relevant opening hours today:
12pm to 10pm

2 votes