
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Kulmbach

Indoor Swimming Pools and Outdoor Swimming Pools in

Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Kulmbach
Hardenbergstr., 95326 Kulmbach
relevant opening hours today:
9am to 6pm

30 votes
Sprungturm 3m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Kulmbach
Am Schwimmbad, 95326 Kulmbach

18 votes

Swimming Pools nearby

Outdoor Swimming Pool Fritz-Hornschuch-Bad
Heinersreuther Str., 95336 Mainleus

5 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Thurnau
Schorrmühlstraße, 95349 Thurnau

13 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 3m
Natural Swimming Pool Naturbad Goldbergsee
Am Goldbergsee, 95509 Marktschorgast
relevant opening hours today:
9:30am to 7pm

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool KUNOMARE
Gartenbach, 96224 Burgkunstadt

35 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche
Indoor Swimming Pool Crana Mare
Gottfried-Neukam-Str., 96317 Kronach
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 8pm

39 votes
25m Bahn
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Crana Mare
Gottfried-Neukam-Str., 96317 Kronach

6 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche
Natural Swimming Pool Freiluftbad Bürgerreuth
Bürgerreuther Straße, 95445 Bayreuth
relevant opening hours today:
8am to 8pm

11 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Redwitz
Weiherdammstraße, 96257 Redwitz

4 votes
50m Bahn