
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Hoyerswerda

Water Parks in

Water Park Lausitzbad
Am Gondelteich, 02977 Hoyerswerda
relevant opening hours today:
2pm to 9pm

29 votes
25m Bahn Sprungturm 3m Rutsche Sauna

Swimming Pools nearby

Natural Swimming Pool Waldbad Deutschbaselitz
Großteichstr., 01920 Deutschbaselitz

0 no votes
Natural Swimming Pool Waldbad Hosena
Turnplatzweg, 01996 Senftenberg

14 votes
Sprungturm 3m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Welzow
Am Schwimmbad, 03119 Welzow

20 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Kamenz (ehem. Armeeschwimmhalle)
Friedensstr., 01917 Kamenz
relevant opening hours today:
3pm to 10pm
6:30am to 7:30am

42 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Wiesengrund Bischheim
Jahnstr., 01920 Haselbachtal

10 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Altdöbern
An der Promenade, 03229 Altdöbern

6 votes
Sprungturm 3m Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Reichwalde
Mühlenstr. 1a, 02943 Boxberg (O.L.)

Closed until end of May

5 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Röhrscheidtbad Gesundbrunnen
Gesundbrunnenring, 02625 Bautzen
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 8pm

45 votes
25m Bahn
Outdoor Swimming Pool Spreebad Bautzen
Neustädter Str., 02625 Bautzen

4 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche