
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Bischofswerda

Outdoor Swimming Pools in

Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Bischofswerda
Dresdener Str. 19a, 01877 Bischofswerda

40 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche

Swimming Pools nearby

Outdoor Swimming Pool Massenei-Bad
Stolpener Str., 01900 Großröhrsdorf

54 votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 5m Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Stolpen
Bahnhofstr. 14a, 01833 Stolpen

6 votes
Water Park Mariba (ehem. MonteMare)
Götzingerstr., 01844 Neustadt/Sachsen
relevant opening hours today:
10am to 9pm (Ferien)
2pm to 9pm

259 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche Sauna
Outdoor Swimming Pool Walkmühlenbad
An der Walke, 01896 Pulsnitz

10 votes
Natural Swimming Pool Waldbad Wehrsdorf
Waldbadstr., 02689 Sohland

Closed until end of May

0 no votes
50m Bahn Sprungturm 3m
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Wiesengrund Bischheim
Jahnstr., 01920 Haselbachtal

10 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Stadtbad Hohnstein
Am Stadtbad, 01848 Hohnstein

8 votes
16,7m Bahn Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Spreebad Bautzen
Neustädter Str., 02625 Bautzen

4 votes
25m Bahn Rutsche
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Rathewalde
Am Schulweg, 01848 Hohnstein

39 votes