
Swimming Pools and Water Parks in and near Bad Laasphe

Swimming Pools in Bad Laasphe

Indoor Swimming Pool Schwimmbad Hotel Lahnblick
Höhenweg, 57334 Bad Laasphe

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Wabach-Bad
Gennernbach, 57334 Bad Laasphe

10 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Hesselbach
Hesselbacher Straße, 57334 Bad Laasphe

4 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Feudingen
Auf den Weierhöfen, 57334 Bad Laasphe

1 vote

Swimming Pools nearby

Water Park Panoramablick Eschenburg
Am Honigbaum 28, Eibelshausen, 35713 Eschenburg
already closed today

37 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Erndtebrück
Mozartstraße, 57339 Erndtebrück
already closed today

28 votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Dautphe
Dautphe, 35232 Dautphetal

4 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Friedensdorf
Unterm Dorf, 35232 Dautphetal
closed today

0 no votes
Outdoor Swimming Pool Waldschwimmbad Holzhausen
Am Schwimmbad, 35232 Dautphetal

8 votes
Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Buchenau
Rothenbergstr., 35232 Dautphetal

0 no votes