Indoor Swimming Pool Hallenbad Mellrichstadt

3 Votes


Hallenbad MellrichstadtBahnhofstr. 17, 97638 Mellrichstadt
Telephone: +49 9776/1315
This pool also has a separate Outdoor Swimming Pool. Information about settings and opening hours of this Outdoor Swimming Pool can be found here.

Opening Hours

Monday2:30pm to 8pm
Tuesday2:30pm to 6pm
Wednesday2:30pm to 8pm
Thursday (warm water day)2:30pm to 8pm
Friday7am to 8amFrühschwimmen
2:30pm to 8pm
Saturday2:30pm to 6pm
Sunday (warm water day)10am to 6pm
The pool ist closed from beginning of July until end of August.


The following features are available:
  • a sport pool with a length of 25m