Outdoor Swimming Pool Freibad Aquamarin in Gaimersheim

69 Votes


Freibad AquamarinMartin-Ludwig-Str. 15, 85080 Gaimersheim
Telephone: +49 8458/3246-0
This pool also has a separate Water Park. Information about settings and opening hours of this Water Park can be found here.

Opening Hours

Monday10am to 8pm
Tuesday10am to 8pm
Wednesday10am to 8pm
Thursday10am to 8pm
Friday10am to 8pm
Saturday10am to 8pm
Sunday10am to 8pm
Outdoor swimming pools in Germany are usually open between Mai and September. Please call +49 8458/3246-0 to get information on first and last day of the season or look on this German webpage.


The following features are available:
  • a sport pool with a length of 25m
  • a separate non swimmer pool
  • a 3m diving platform at a separated diving pool
  • a waterfall shower
  • starting blocks
  • a separate baby-pool